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Sunday guided rides scheduled from Purbeck Park, Corfe Castle in April See 'Our Guided Rides' page for details and 'Book A Ride' page for booking info.
Route 2) Challow Hill Nine Barrow Down and Sunny Studland
Route 3) Mega Tour de Purbecks (Easy Route)
No rides scheduled why not book a custom or personal ride
Sunday guided rides from Purbeck Park, Corfe Castle in May. See 'Our Guided Rides' page for details and 'Book A Ride' page for booking info.
Route 2) Challow Hill Nine Barrow Down and Sunny Studland
No rides scheduled why not book a custom or personal ride
Route 3) Mega Tour de Purbecks (Easy Route)
No rides scheduled why not book a custom or personal ride
Sunday guided rides from Purbeck Park and Hardys Monument for June. See 'Our Guided Rides' page for details and 'Book A Ride' page for booking info.
Jurassic Coast West Route 2) Challow Hill Nine Barrow Down and Sunny Studland
Route 1) Sunny Studland Bay and Poole Harbour
No rides scheduled why not book a custom or personal ride
Route 3) Mega Tour de Purbecks (Easy Route)
Jurassic Coast West Route 2) Dorset Ridgeway and Hardys Monument
Sunday guided rides from Purbeck Park and Hardys Monument and Bridport for July. See 'Our Guided Rides' page for details and 'Book A Ride' page for booking info.
Jurassic Coast West Route 1) Hell Lane
Route 2) Challow Hill Nine Barrow Down and Sunny Studland
Jurassic Coast West Route 3) Eggardon Hill
For details of route see 'Our Guided Rides' for Booking see 'Book A Ride'